Helpful Websites

  1. The Communitarian Network
    Learn more about how this nonpartisan association is working to strengthen the moral and political environment in the United States.
  2. Ideological Debates
    Politics1 compares and contrasts ideologies from every part of the continuum with links to news and opinion on election issues.
  3. The Global Policy Forum (Links to an external site.) 
    A nonprofit organization dedicated to monitoring United Nations policy and promoting accountability for global decisions.
    A grassroots opportunity for online political participation
  5. Comparing the World’s Constitutions Learn and read more about the constitutions of the world.
  6. The Continental Congress and the Constitutional Convention on the Web  The Library of Congress presents original documents relating to the drafting and ratification of the Constitution.
  7. The Charters of Freedom Tour the National Archives’ virtual exhibit of founding documents.
  8. The Federalist Papers Learn and read more from the Federalist papers.
  9. National Association of Counties See demographical information on counties nationwide.
  10. National League of Cities Experience the local level of government, their information and issues.
  11. U.S. Conference of Mayors Locate information on cities with populations in excess of thirty thousand, their information and issues.
  12. Annotated Internet Links Relating to the Chapters in The Challenge of Democracy
  13. Pew Research Center for the People & the Press See many surveys and access research material on a host of topics of interest.
  14. General Social Survey Gain access to over twenty-five hundred questions answered by more than thirty-five thousand   respondents.
  15. Political Compass Take a poll to see where you fit politically in the United States.
  16. American Association for Public Opinion Research Provides guides, standards, definitions, and recommended and condemned practices for public policy survey data collection
  17. Gallup Organization  (Links to an external site.)
  18. Huffington Post Pollster ( (Links to an external site.)).  A popular blog that presents polling results on current U.S. politics and discusses polling-related issues.
  19. Fairness & Accuracy in Reporting
    The national media watchdog group investigates media bias and censorship.
  20. Federal Communications Commission
  21. CSPAN
  22. National Association of Broadcasters
    Find out what the broadcast television industry is lobbying for.
  23. The Office of Communications of the White House
  24. Electronic Frontier
  25. Newseum: Today’s Front Pages ( See the front pages of daily newspapers from around the United States updated daily.
  26. Project Vote Smart  This nonpartisan, nonprofit project tracks information on over 13,000 candidates & elected officials.
  27. Rock The Vote  Take a glimpse at an organization’s attempt to increase voter turnout among young voters.
  28. University of Michigan's National Election Studies 
  29. Voting and Elections  All the facts about national electoral politics—who, when, and how—& how to get involved as a polling volunteer
  30. Politics1—Guide to American Political Parties information on political parties
  31. PR Library: Readings in Proportional Representation Learn about the advantages and disadvantages of the proportional representation voting system.
  32. Ballot Access News Learn about the difficulties of placing candidates on the ballot.
  33. Party Politics Read this international journal devoted to the study of political parties, party systems, and political organizations.
  34. Why Third Parties Information on the benefits third parties provide to a two-party system
  35. Media Ownership Database An interactive database of companies that own news properties in the United States.
  36. California Voter Foundation  ( (Links to an external site.)).  Will more states follow this model as they seek to shape a more informed electorate through the use of technology?
  37. Federal Election Commission
    Everything you want to know about campaign finance.
  38. Center for Voting and Democracy
    This nonprofit organization’s site explains how various voting systems (e.g., single-member districts, proportional representation, and so on) affect voter turnout, representation, and accountability.
  39. Getting the Message Out!
  40. Open Secrets
    This site contains information on money in elections and other campaign items of interest.
  41. Campaigns and Elections Online  (  This site, from the magazine by the same name, reports on current campaigns and strategies.
  42. Democracies Online  ( (Links to an external site.)).  News on the convergence of democracy and the Internet around the world
  43. Campaign Finance Institute  ( (Links to an external site.)).  A non-partisan institute that conducts studies on campaign finance issues.
  44. Common Cause  ( (Links to an external site.)).  Learn about an organization that aims to serve as a citizen’s advocacy group and monitor campaign donations.
  45. The Federal Election Commission Where does PAC money go?
  46. The Sierra Club A public interest group’s website.
  47. National League of Cities Explore the ways that one level of government lobbies the other levels.
  48. Directory of Advocacy Organizations  While by no means exhaustive, here is a directory of many of the more prominent national interest groups, sorted by issue area.
  49. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Find out how business groups seek to affect the public policymaking process.
  50. RootsAction  An online non-partisan initiative dedicated to galvanizing Americans who are committed to economic fairness, equal rights, civil liberties, environmental protection
  51. Public Citizen
    Protecting health, safety, and democracy. A national nonprofit organization that reports on Congress.
  52. Library of Congress
    Get legislative information on the Web. Read the Congressional Record and view current and past bills and laws.
  53. House of Representatives and Senate
    Gain access to the websites of individual members, read about their accomplishments, and check the schedule for House and Senate activities.
  54. Project Vote Smart
    Track the voting record of your member of Congress—all you need to know is your zip code.
  55. The President and the White House
    View presidential press releases, listen to radio addresses, take a virtual tour of the White House, and browse the White House archives.
  56. Presidents of the United States (POTUS) via the Internet Public Library  ( (Links to an external site.)).  In this resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents.
  57. American Presidents
    Comprehensive history of the presidency and its inhabitants, presented by C-SPAN.
  58. Presidents of the United States (POTUS) via the Internet Public Library
    In this resource you will find background information, election results, cabinet members, notable events, and some points of interest on each of the presidents.
  59. The Cabinet and Executive Departments A listing of all of the departments in the executive branch with links to their Web pages (Links to an external site.)
  60. ( (Links to an external site.)).  Contains sites that are clearinghouses for U.S. government information on the Web. Learn about federal employment opportunities and follow links to various department home pages.
  61.  Federal Register Read agency rules and notices of rule making online.
  62.  Fedworld and www.usa.govThese sites are clearinghouses for U.S. government information on the Web. Learn about     federal employment opportunities and follow links to various department home pages.
  63.  Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Find out more about the process of government regulation of the price and distribution of natural gas, oil, and other sources of energy.
  64.   Federal Government Resources on the Web – Executive Branch 
  65. The Supreme Court of the United States
    The Supreme Court’s official website
  66. Oyez
    A site containing court news, virtual Supreme Court tours, ways to look up cases, podcasts of the most recent oral arguments, and other media relating to the Supreme Court.
  67. Findlaw
    This site is a searchable archive of current legal news stories and court opinions.
  68. Federal Court System
    This site contains links to all federal courts.
  69. International Court of Justice
    The International Court of Justice (ICJ), which has its seat in The Hague, is the principal judicial organ of the United Nations.
  70. SCOTUS Blog ( (Links to an external site.)). A blog that follows current issues regarding the U.S. Supreme Court.
  71. Virtual Law Library   ( ).   Located at the Indiana University School of Law, this site provides access to hundreds of law-related documents and resources.
  72. The American Civil Liberties Union  ( (Links to an external site.)).  Contsins reports on the status of civil liberties in various places around the United States.
  73. FAIR: Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ( (Links to an external site.)). A national media watch center that offers criticism of media bias and censorship.
  74. The Freedom Forum First Amendment Center ( (Links to an external site.)). This nonpartisan organization is a forum for debate on free expression.
  75. Lambda Legal  ( (Links to an external site.)). The nation’s oldest and largest legal organization working for the civil rights of gay men, lesbians, and people with HIV/AIDS.
  76. Southern Poverty Law Center  ( (Links to an external site.)).  This nonprofit organization deals with prosecution of hate speech and discriminatory action.
  77. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (Links to an external site.)
    Everything you want to know about the ADA, from the U.S. Department of Justice
  78. U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
    Studies, analyzes, and reports on civil rights issues and legislation in the United States
  79. Native American Resources
    Follow the links to learn more about issues relating to Native American nations.
  80. American Latino      
    English-language television shows about the Hispanic community
  81. Black Voices
    Mainstream coverage of black personalities and events
  82. Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
    The leading research facility for learning about the African diaspora
  83. The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force
    Learn more about the pursuit of gay rights.
  84. Human Rights Campaign  ( (Links to an external site.)).  Works for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender rights.
  85. Office of Management and Budget
    Get the most recent versions of the federal budget. View data, graphs, and text. (Links to an external site.)
    Explore the arm of the executive branch that coordinates the bureaucracy through its funding.
  86. The Brookings Institute  ( (Links to an external site.)). Get the latest news on social sciences from a leading Washington, D.C. think tank. 
  87. The Cato Institute  ( (Links to an external site.)). Learn about the libertarian approach to public policy.
  88. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ( (Links to an external site.)). Everything you always wanted to know about Medicare and Medicaid, but were afraid to ask.
  89. The Children’s Defense Fund  ( (Links to an external site.)). Advocacy group for the nation’s children, particularly those who live in poverty.
  90. General Accounting Office  ( (Links to an external site.)). Learn more about the investigative arm of Congress and access GAO reports and testimonies.
  91. Office of Family Assistance  ( (Links to an external site.)). Information about resources available to needy families.
  92. Office of Management & Budget  ( (Links to an external site.)). Explore the arm of the executive branch that coordinates the bureaucracy through its funding.
  93. Political Science Resources: Think Tanks( (Links to an external site.)). A listing of American “think tanks” (policy institutes) compiled by the University of Michigan.
  94. Progressive Policy Institute  ( (Links to an external site.)). Access information on the organization and learn more about current affairs from the perspective of the “third way.”
  95. The Social Security Administration  ( (Links to an external site.))Get a personal earnings and benefit estimate statement while you learn more about Social Security.
  96. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services( (Links to an external site.)). The office within the Department of Homeland Security that processes temporary and permanent immigrants to the United States.
  97. The U.S. Department of Education  ( (Links to an external site.)). The federal government’s plans and procedures for improving education at all levels.

  98. Department of State
    Interested in a career in foreign service? Want to learn more about a specific foreign policy issue or country? Check out the State Department’s home page.
  99. Central Intelligence Agency
    View data about other countries, and learn more about agency operations.
  100. National Security Council
    The National Security Council is the president’s principal forum for considering national security and foreign policy matters with his senior national security advisors and cabinet officials.
  101. The Pentagon
    Take a tour of the Pentagon online, and learn more about the Department of Defense.
  102. The WWW Virtual Library: International Affairs Resources
    This site is a good place to start when searching for information on foreign affairs.
  103. Amnesty International Online
    Visit this site to learn more about human rights abuses or to become active in the cause of human rights.
  104. The Hunger Project
    Learn what this nonprofit group is doing to combat hunger around the world.

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